
Showing posts from August, 2017

Teleportation - Is it really possible?

We have often seen in science fiction movies that people teleport from one place to another in no time. And we often think whether it is possible practically. Well so have the scientists who have been researching in this field since a long time. And the theoretical definition of Teleportation is given as “Teleportation or tele-transportation is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.” This can save us much of the time required for space travel as some distances are in light years and would not be possible to travel in human lifetime. If Teleportation occurs then we can reach to the location in very less time. So when the scientists started to gain knowledge about the quantum state they came across something called Quantum Teleportation .  Quantum Teleportation is a process by which quantum information (i.e. the exact state of the photon or atom that is to be teleported where the state inc...

WARP DRIVE - The gateway toward the Inter-galactic picnics

Did you guys ever think of going to the solar system of the Alpha Centauri or the Pole star ?  You’d probably call me a “mad”. At times, when we are not even able to reach the mars in an efficient way, I’m talking about the inter-galactic picnics. Whatever you think but I’m a man of high hopes and a believer of our Scientists and Astrophysicists who are very positive about these kinds of voyages. But the question is HOW? Before going into any details about our inter-galactic picnics, let’s discuss where we are currently standing in the technology of intergalactic journeys.                                           The farthest distance traveled is by the Voyager 1 and 2 set to their projectile in 1977 and they’re just exiting our solar system.  That means they have been able to travel about 7.5 billion km (about 0.000624 light years) in 41 years. This is...

Muscle Cars - The raw and untamed beasts

Almost every youth on the planet loves speed, obviously after the “Fast & Furious” and “Need for Speed” movies. But when it comes to defining the Muscle car, the things get a bit complicated. As the name suggests, the built up of this automobile is taken care, not only from within but also from the exterior parts. As per American norms, a muscle car can be defined as a two door; rear wheel drive, mid-size cars with powerful engines. These cars are considered as high-performance vehicles compared to other normal ones. Comparison between a muscle car and a sports car:- ·         Engine :- A muscle car uses a V8 engine while an engine of a sports car may be small but is quick. Thus the engine of muscle car is powerful while the same of sports car is quick ·         Bodies :- The muscle cars are made up with lots of curves while a sports car is built with an aim of reducing the force that is appl...

HYPERLOOP - Because Time is of Essence

We all know about the Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion or the so called Inertia right from our school day and since Elon Musk doesn’t seem to forget his basics, he came up with something based on this theory which is known as the Hyperloop. Many of us know the word pretty well. Elon Musk gave the idea behind Hyper-loop and made project open-source so that any company which desires to go ahead in the direction of faster travel can take the idea and bring it to reality. Currently three companies are working on the concept prominently, Hyperloop One, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and Transpod.  Other companies working on the model are Arivo and Hardt Global Mobility. Also Elon Musk led SpaceX is building a test track at their company head-quarters in California. It is considered that the travel time will drop down significantly by this and also the other main aspect which is environmental pollution will decrease. So how can a train achieve the sp...

Fusion Reactors - The key to the abundant and clear energy

There can be no disputes over the claim that the 21 st century is going to achieve some great milestones in the field of nuclear energy, may it be the nuclear-powered vehicles or the nuclear fusion reactors. Even the tech-giants from all over the world are showing their interests in this abundant and clean energy source. Recently, Google tied-up with the Tri Alpha Energy , a leading nuclear fusion company to develop a new algorithm to significantly improve the speeds of experimentation of plasma, a must-needed material state to achieve the nuclear fusion on the earth. There are two ways – Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion in which the nucleus of an atom can be utilized to achieve an abundant source of energy, a long-cherished dream of mankind. Nuclear fission refers to the breakdown of heavy nuclei into lighter nuclei and thereby liberating their binding energy whereas the nuclear fusion refers to the fusion of lighter nuclei into one another to produce an abundant amoun...

Faster than the Fastest production car of the world

One thing about which almost every sports car freak is crazy is their mind-blowing speed. It doesn't matter if you could ever achieve that speed on road or not but you'd always desire to boast those numbers among your friends and groups. So fellas, what do you think? Which car should be the fastest car?  Well, you might be thinking about the  Bugatti Veyron Super-sport or the newly unveiled Chiron. But actually, it's not the case. T hey hold the record of the fastest production car according to the Guinness Book of World Records officially but the “ Hennessey Venom GT ” by Hennessey Performance Engineering is unofficially the fastest car at a whopping speed of “270.49 MPH”. Yeah you read it right. It's 435.11 km/h. To make a claim for Guinness Record for fastest production car the company has to at least make 30 cars, while the company has decided to make only 29 cars which is a bit funny. And this company does not make the whole car, they just tune the engine and...

Hydrogen Fuel - The Fuel of the Future

                                                                               As we often hear in our day to day lives, the availability of fuels is decreasing day by day and the biggest concern in automobile is pollution due to these fuels, so the new idea and search comes for zero pollution as well as the better availability, renewability and efficiency too. Although, many researches are going on for the alternate fuels but one of the most promising fuel source is Hydrogen which can produce an abundant amount of energy and that too with zero emissions. Hydrogen may seem to be very abundant but pure hydrogen is not naturally available on earth in large quantity. So, electrolysis and steam-methane reforming processes are methods to produce hydrogen. In electrolysis, the electri...