Teleportation - Is it really possible?

We have often seen in science fiction movies that people teleport from one place to another in no time. And we often think whether it is possible practically. Well so have the scientists who have been researching in this field since a long time.
And the theoretical definition of Teleportation is given as “Teleportation or tele-transportation is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.”
This can save us much of the time required for space travel as some distances are in light years and would not be possible to travel in human lifetime. If Teleportation occurs then we can reach to the location in very less time.
So when the scientists started to gain knowledge about the quantum state they came across something called Quantum Teleportation.

 Quantum Teleportation is a process by which quantum information (i.e. the exact state of the photon or atom that is to be teleported where the state includes position, momentum, and intrinsic spin etc.) can be transmitted from one place to another through communication methods that are known and previously shared Quantum Entanglement between the sending and receiving location. As all the known methods of communication are not faster than the speed of light therefore Faster than Light (FTL) transportation will not occur. While it has become possible to send one or more qubits or quantum-entangled bits of information between the entangled atoms, it has not been possible for anything bigger than an atom.

So what it is basically is if we want to teleport a cricket ball from India to Australia or anywhere else in the world what we require is the complete information about the ball, of every atom present in the ball which is not possible due to the uncertainty principle. Knowledge of the atoms is not possible without destroying the atoms. It can only be achieved by something called Quantum Entanglement. It is a mystery from the early days of 20th century. Entangling the spins of the electrons results in a bond that transcends distance. So a qubit of data can be sent to the other atom even if it is a light year away. But the interaction must begin locally. To complete the teleportation we require a digital message to interpret the data at the receiving end. When the particle is measured for its digital message the quantum information is destroyed thus the cricket ball in India disappears. Now due to the Uncertainty principle the data is transferred between the places and it is never duplicated. So the ball obtained at Australia has the same quantum information as that ball of India. Thus like this even bigger teleportation’s can occur but the complexity of the task and energy required are astronomical.
Quantum Entanglement (Not exactly like this.)
For now we can teleport photons between rooms and cities. Only a month back it was validated that a Chinese team has teleported photons to space which is the biggest teleportation till now. The researchers used a transmitter called Ngari which is placed on a Tibetan mountain to get least interference of air to the entangled photons. They sent it to their satellite called Micius which has highly sensitive photon receptors. To entangle photons, researchers beamed an ultraviolet laser through a special crystal. The crystal created pairs of photons with opposite - yet unknown - states of polarization. In doing so, they created objects called qubits.

Mirrors then split up the laser beam and its pairs of quantum-entangled photons. The experiment kept one photon on the ground and sent the other to Micius at a rate of about 4,080 entangled photons per second.
To ensure the satellite was detecting entangled photons at the right times, and to keep the transmitter's signal strong, engineers took all sorts of precautions. Micius, for example, carefully blocked light from the moon, used star-tracking to figure out its precise position in orbit, operated at a very cold temperature as warm objects emit infrared light. It passed overhead at the exact same time every night. Precise timers also helped sync up the devices, so they could predict when each photon that left the transmitter would reach the satellite.
The satellite was in view of the transmitter from as far as 870 miles (1,400 kilometres) away, when it was on the horizon, and as close as 310 miles (500 kilometres), when it flew directly overhead. Over the course of 32 evenings, 911 photon pairs showed teleportation when the scientists measured their states. That may not sound like a lot, especially out of millions and millions of pairs, but it's a breakthrough.
It is revolutionary as to get the same output through optical cables one would have to wait for 380 billion years which is 20 times the Universe’s lifetime.
It is not possible and viable to teleport humans. So what are we doing this for?
Well we can get the most secured internet and data transfer ever which will be unhackable as a hack can result in break of quantum entanglement and thus the data will be destroyed and also the user can know that their data was tried to be hacked. All the sensitive information can be securely operated without the fear of losing it.
Many years will have to be invested but the benefits will be highly appreciated giving us the fastest and the safest internet ever. Also about the teleportation of humans, not much was known about the quantum states until the last century but we have come a long way to teleport photons so we do not know what will happen in the 100 or 1000 years to come!

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