HYPERLOOP - Because Time is of Essence

We all know about the Newton’s 1st Law of Motion or the so called Inertia right from our school day and since Elon Musk doesn’t seem to forget his basics, he came up with something based on this theory which is known as the Hyperloop.

Many of us know the word pretty well. Elon Musk gave the idea behind Hyper-loop and made project open-source so that any company which desires to go ahead in the direction of faster travel can take the idea and bring it to reality.

Currently three companies are working on the concept prominently, Hyperloop One, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and Transpod. 

Other companies working on the model are Arivo and Hardt Global Mobility. Also Elon Musk led SpaceX is building a test track at their company head-quarters in California.

It is considered that the travel time will drop down significantly by this and also the other main aspect which is environmental pollution will decrease.
So how can a train achieve the speeds of 760 Mph which is very close to Mach 1 speed and that too with lower emissions?
As the concept of Maglev is both very costly and there is also the additional difficulty of maintaining a vacuum over large distances it does not seem very probable.
The Hyper-Loop uses pressurised chambers of steel that work at the pressure of approximately 1 millibar that will act like partial vacuum. In the original concept the tube would float about 0.05 inches above like the air hockey pucks, allowing speeds that cannot be achieved by vehicles with wheels. Hyperloop One uses passive maglev for the same purpose.
Linear induction motors will be fitted on the tubes which will allow the tubes to accelerate and decelerate according to the need. Due the pressure conditions rolling resistance will be eliminated and the air resistance will be reduced significantly thus allowing the module to glide for most of the distance.
In Elon Musk’s original concept it was proposed that an electrically driven inlet fan and an air compressor would be placed at the nose of the module to actively transfer high-pressure air from front to rear resolving the problem of high pressure building in the front which results in slowing down the vehicle.
A fraction of the air is shunted to the skis for additional pressure which helps to gain passively from lift due to their shape. Hyperloop One does away with the compressor.
The designs propose that passengers will experience a maximum inertial acceleration of 0.5g, about 2 to 3 times that of a commercial airliner during take -off or landing. At those speeds, there would not be a sonic boom.

Due to this a Six hour trip can be made into a 35 minute one!
Like every coin has two sides, there are some problems also. The initial cost that is predicted is 6 Billion Dollars which some experts believe is not even ten percent. Also the people travelling will be subjected to significant acceleration forces high noise levels due to air being compressed and ducted around the capsule at near-sonic speeds; and the vibration and jostling. Also at such high speeds even minor deviations will cause considerable buffeting. And there is always a question of what might happen in case of emergencies and accidents.  
So why, after all these problems do we need ventures like Hyperloop to succeed?
The conventional methods of travelling are exhausting the fuel resources and also harming the environment through pollution. Thus we need ideas like Hyperloop to exist and fight through the problems to give us a feasible solution. Also the travelling speed is a major plus in case of Hyperloop. The journey of hours gets converted in just few minutes.
The current situation is that all three companies have started collecting fund and getting the investors on-board. In March 2016, HTT announced its intention to build a network of Hyperloop tracks connecting Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest, with Slovakia serving as a hub between the three. Many such routes are talked about.
Hyperloop in India
HTT decided to implement the idea of Hyperloop in India to check its feasibility and has reportedly got offers from five states to start the Hyperloop in. HTT has sent a letter to the Transportation Minister Nitin Gadkari for starting the work. They have proposed to connect Mumbai with Pune and Delhi.
Also, Hyperloop India is a team of students of Indian Universities and colleges which have secured a place in the 24 team event of SpaceX’s Hyperloop Pod Competition and will represent the country at the event in August. The team has done a commendable job by acquiring a spot in this venture being one of the only two teams from Asia.
Despite of all the challenges faced by the Project, Elon Musk is known to be a determined person who knows well how to scale the rough seas and turn the tides in his favour. So, hoping that the challenges are conquered and our hour-long journeys can be converted into minutes, STAY TUNED GUYS and you’ll be looped toward the further advancements in science and technology.

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