
A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
Had any one ever thought that a quantum physicist will ever use jelly fish to produce lasers? Yeah, you heard right!! The new science is producing lasers from jelly fish. Lasers were first invented for many solutions and were further used in many fields like industrial, medical etc. Now scientist from the Scotland and Germany have developed a way to generate laser by using proteins. Initially the laser was generated by emitting light from an inert material which is monochromatic, coherent and unidirectional. Let’s put it simple. The conventional light is the crowd of people and laser is a hole marching army.

Different materials produce different type of lasers and each laser has its own application. For example, red lasers are used for barcode scanner, auxetometer and a CD player and this red laser are made from helium, neon gas or garnet, where as the blue laser are used in storage application and medical technologies. They are made by exiting gallium nitride. One of the best laser invented is polariton laser which is generated by exiting the material which is at Bose Einstein condensation. This can be used in curing the cancer and to make data transfer much faster but to obtain this laser is more difficult.
In 2011, the scientist pules low energy light on the lab growing cells containing a green fluorescent protein (GFP)from the jelly fish, by putting it into mirror chamber, it produced a monochromatic beam of green laser. Yes, you heard correct! A green colored laser beam jelly fish.

Now in 2016 the scientist took E- GFP to enhance the intensity of lasers. The question arises in your mind is that what is E-GFP? E-GFP is the E. coli bacteria with the green fluorescent protein. In the first attempt, they created a 500 nano-meter thin film of E-GFP and they put this thin film between mirrors and guess what, a polariton laser was formed at the room temperature! No super cooling required and easy to produce. Initially the material was cooled as the particle behaves much better when it is stabilized, but the proteins of the jelly fish are cylindrical shaped causing the photons to be perfectly aligned.
Until now, only the green colored laser light is obtained from the jellyfish.More research is going on to produce different laser for different applications. Laser also have military applications. This bio laser can be used efficiently in military for stopping the missiles.

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Images courtesy:- Google.


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