Time Crystal- A Perpetual Motion Machine

Since the inception of  humankind, we have been finding a way to achieve everything for free and a huge amount of time and resources had been invested to gain the energy without any cost. In this world of Science and Technology, we have been able to discover a lot many matters and crystal structures having symmetry across space but recently, scientists and researchers have discovered a crystal having symmetry not only across the space but across time too. They have named it as “Time Crystal” . 

Don’t get fooled by thinking that time crystal to be a time travelling crystal but this state of matter has got some awesome kind of properties. Generally all the matter are motion less at its resting state and only possess kinetic energy when some short of energy is applied to it. As for example a cricket ball remains in steady state unless and until the bowler throws the ball. But the interesting thing about the time crystal is that they keep moving even in their ground state or resting state. Yes, it means the ball will remain in motion forever. This may sound kind of impossible but they are the non-equilibrium matter ever created. These crystals violate the first law of thermodynamics and hence they may be called as perpetual motion machine of the first kind (PMM1).

 A simple crystal is an arrangement of atoms in a lattice structure that repeats in the space but the amazing time crystal repeats in space as well as time due the expansion in time. It has a property to stay in motion in ground state. Let's take an example of jelly beam. When it is taped than it starts its motion but in the case of time crystal the taping is not required it will stay in motion permanently. After reading the above content you may rethink about the existence of  these crystals. A method was proposed by Norman Yao and his colleagues at the University of California at Berkley in 2016. It was later confirmed by the lab experiments individually performed by Christopher Monroe and Mikhail Likin.
The main challenge to set-up a time crystal was to keep the ions out of equilibrium, and to do that the researchers alternately hit them with two lasers. One laser created a magnetic field and the second laser partially flipped the spins of the atoms. Because the spins of all the atoms were entangled, the atoms settled into a stable, repetitive pattern of spin flipping that defines a crystal.That was normal enough, but to become a time crystal, the system had to break time symmetry. Due to the bombardment of two laser adding  two  different properties, the time symmetricity was broken which provided a unique properties of staying in  motion.

Stay tuned for more such interesting stuffs!!

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