Tweel tires

Ø It is an airless tire and has significant advantages over a pneumatic tires.
Ø Tweel tire concept is developed by French company Michelin.
Ø The Tweel consists bend of conventional the rubber with the moulded thread.
The shear band just below the thread that create the compliant contact patch.
The series of energy absorbing polyurethane spokes and an integral inner rim structure.
Both the shear band and polyurethane spokes can be design to provide a calibrated directional stiffness in order that design engineers are able to control tweel handles and how it handles load.
By varying the thickness and size of the spokes, it can be design elements to engineers a wide array of ride and handling qualities.
The thread can be specialized as any of today’s tires and can be replaced when worn.
Thread is provided on the outer surface so when is worn, can be replaced.
Ø The tweel airless tires has the potential to be able to brake better – a significant performance compromise that is inherent to pneumatic tires.
The most important benefit is its low lateral stiffness and high vertical stiffness.
The potential environmental impact of a tweel airless tire can be less than that of a conventional pneumatic tire.
Vehicles that don’t have suspensions like lawn-mowers, the comfort is quite good and better than inflated tires.

Tweel tires did demonstrated flaws with regard to noise and high speed vibrations.
It produces 5% more friction compare to radial tires.
Ø  Tweel tires cannot be used for light-weight vehicles.
Manufacturing of tweel tires is less as compared to radial ones.
Their cost is also high.
Ø The iBOT mobility device and segway’s concept centaur were both introduce with tweel tires.
NASA uses tweel tires for the next generation “Lunar Rover”.
Tweel tires also are used for production of military tanks and trucks.


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