
Showing posts from March, 2018

The I, V and W in engines.

Engine cylinders are typically arranged in a vertical orientation, lined up one after another from the front to the rear of the engine, or in a V-shaped orientation with an equal number of cylinders on each side. When engine cylinders are vertically oriented, the engine has an "inline" configuration, which is used in conjunction with 4, 5, or 6 cylinders. As all the cylinders are in a straight line, manufacturers sometimes refer Inline engine as the 'Straight Engine'. In line engine can have upto 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 cylinders. But cylinders more than 6 are very rare. Inline engines can easily accomodate odd number of cylinders like 3 or 5. The I-engine are most commonly used in commercial purpose as their manufacturing cost is low. A V engine, or Vee engine is a common configuration for an internal combustion engine. The cylinders and pistons are aligned, in two separate planes or 'banks', so that they appear to be in a "V" when viewed along th


A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Had any one ever thought that a quantum physicist will ever use jelly fish to produce lasers? Yeah, you heard right!! The new science is producing lasers from jelly fish. Lasers were first invented for many solutions and were further used in many fields like industrial, medical etc. Now scientist from the Scotland and Germany have developed a way to generate laser by using proteins. Initially the laser was generated by emitting light from an inert material which is monochromatic, coherent and unidirectional. Let’s put it simple. The conventional light is the crowd of people and laser is a hole marching army. Different materials produce different type of lasers and each laser has its own application. For example, red lasers