
Showing posts from November, 2017

DCT - The manual transmission of the speed seekers...

Most of the F1 drivers have no problem in dealing with two peddles and some paddles but some of the manual loving motorists insist that life is meaningless without some toe and heel dancing in the cockpit. In fact “ It is impossible to buy a Ferrari or Lamborghini or Nissan gt-r with manual transmission”. Frankly, it is not a surprise that less than 4% of cars in U.S. are manually controlled. Apart  from U.S., most of the world still prefers manual transmission. The two known types of transmission are Automatic and manual. Also continuous variable transmission is third kind of transmission. The manual transmission is further divided into two types:- 1 Single clutch transmission 2 Dual clutch transmission The most common used type of transmission is single type one. But how does this type of transmission work. How does a manual transmission work? This manual or standard transmission transfers power from the engine to the differential using a clutch and pairs of gears that a
Opposed Piston Engines So what are opposed piston engines? Most of us know how a normal engine works. One of the most important parts in the engine is piston head which is sealed and allows the power to be produced. Now, in the opposed piston engine the single piston in the single cylinder is changed to two pistons in one cylinder, their heads facing each other. How exactly that works, one would ask. The answer is that each of these cylinders would only take up half the length of the cylinder, so that it would only have to move half the distance of a cylinder in a standard engine, thus saving fuel yet still providing the same rotating effect on the crankshaft. And the crankshaft could pass through the centre of the cylinder, perpendicular to the cylinder's long axis, so that both pistons could rotate the crankshaft as they moved in opposite directions. And they could pool their exhaust wastes in the centre of the cylinder, so that the ends of the cylinder wouldn't have t

Terzo Millenio: Beast with an electric heart

Though the world is moving toward an electric future, the sports cars don’t seem to be in a mood to give up their untamed IC engines which make them a beast in true senses. But, not even once failed to fascinate the world with its engineering marvels, Lamborghini has hit back with its “Beast from the future”.  A beast in its true sense, “Terzo Millenio” has got all the legacy of the Lamborghini but it has got an electric heart which makes it different from all the other variants of the company. You cannot expect anything less when two marvels like the MIT and the Lamborghini collaborate on a project. Though, it’s gonna take time before the “Terzo Millenio” can become reality but it’s features are enough to give goosebumps to the rivals. If Lamborghini was ever to make the X-men team, then the “Terzo Millenio” would certainly have been the Wolverine among them. I am not exaggerating it but I’m making this comparison as it has got the feature of self-healing. MIT researche

Cryovolcano - The Ice Volcano

" Cryovolcanoes" are the one of the most intriguing features in solar system. Generally we have heard that volcanoes are hot but after reading this article you will know that volcanoes are not only hot. Ironically the name Volcano comes from Roman God Vulcan , God of Fire. Generally the volcanoes are formed due to the hot molten materials which when added to water leads to the generation of new rocks. But it is not true for outer space, ice volcanoes are formed on the cold planets and does not contains any rock forming materials. It mainly consist of water, ammonia, methane which are generally known as cryomagma . Think back in the classrooms how the hot volcanoes worked, Cryovolcanoes work similarly. The first Cryovolcanoes was found in 1989 by the Voyager 2 space craft from the Neptune’s greatest moon known as Triton . These are very volatile material as the methane is converted into liquid form when heated at -182 ℃ . Due to this the methane is found to be i