
Showing posts from October, 2017


Ever since the Homo Sapiens have gained undestanding, they have been taking inspiration from the Nature in all of their creations and Aircrafts are one of those creations too. In their attampt to fly like the birds, Humans created the Aircrafts . During the development stage of the aircrafts, there was one problem coming constantly in the way i.e., the lift. The aircraft needed to rise before it could take any flight and after the years of trials and researches, the answer was found in the form of "AirFoils" or "AeroFoils". AirFoil is basically the shape of a wing, blade or sail which produces an aerodynamic force providing aircrafts enough lift to rise. There are two components of forces produced when an Airfoil is moved through a fluid. The component perpndicular to the direction of motion is called the "lift" while the parallel component is known as the "drag". The magnitude of these components depend upon the angle of attack and its orien

What sets a F1 car different from a normal car?

The only common thing between a road car and a formula 1 car is the wheels and the steering wheel. Except that each and everything is different. Even though lots of technologies from F1 car are adapted to road cars, F1 cars are impossible to match. The basic formula for F1 car is simple though. 1:- Lightweight 2:- Lots of power. And the most critical factor that sets f1 cars apart is…. 3:- Aerodynamics Combining these three ingredients in right proportions a workshop will bake you a perfect f1 car. Weight:- The minimum weight of f1 car with empty fuel tank is around 650kgs. The same of road car is around 1500kgs. Engine:- F1 car uses standard v8 engine. It has about 780 Hp for better performance and better toque. While a roadster use 1.4-1.8 ltr. Engine having 90-130 Hp. Gearbox:- F1 car uses 7 speed semi controlled electrical gearbox while a roadster has 5 speed manual or automatic gear box. But a F1 gearbox lasts only 1500 kms. while the gearbox of a street car l

Light and Strong

What do we know of the current state of research in material science? Not so much, but some of the most interesting discoveries or innovations are being made to make some of the lightest and strongest materials. Today we are going to talk about some of them. We all want things to get lighter and stronger simultaneously but it is not so easy but some very important materials are discovered just for the above reasons. Some of the most promising innovations are discussed below. The first material we want to talk about is Micro-Lattice Materials. It is a synthetic porous metallic material consisting of an ultra-light metal foam. Its density is as low as 0.9 mg/ which makes it one of the lightest material known to science. It was developed by a team of scientists from California-based HRL Laboratories, in collaboration with researchers at University of California, Irvine and Caltech, and was first announced in November 2011. The prototype samples were made from a nickel-phosphorus all