Nuclear Powerd Vehicles - A long-cherished dream of Mankind

We have been hearing since our childhood that the fuels are gonna exhaust soon and it’s not false too because sooner or later, the mines are going to be empty and then all our cars and bikes are going to be the exhibition pieces. It’s not the only problem with the conventional fuel resources. The major concern about them is the pollution generated as their by-product. If you are feeling guilty of yourself for contributing so much to the global pollution levels then you must consider this fact over here. The top 15 container ships (consuming about 10,000 litres of diesel per hour) of the world collectively generate more pollution than the whole automobiles of the world combined. Yes, you read it right. A major share of the fuel consumption and the pollution comes from the containers, transportation and defence vehicles. But, just think about a vehicle which can run for hundreds of thousands of miles without having to refuel again and almost zero emissions. I’m not talking about...